Teaching the Bible, its truth and veracity...

This site is dedicated to a two-pronged ministry approach. One primary purpose emphasizes the literal interpretation of the Bible and strives to bring to your attention some of the more remarkable facts, patterns and templates of Scripture that are often overlooked. We live in a day and time where good is called evil and evil is called good. The world is changing rapidly and not for the better. In this respect, it has even infected Christianity to the point that many people today cannot discern the truth any longer. Jesus Christ emphasized that believers should guard against being “deceived.” And Paul wrote a warning for the church, “the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear” (2 Timothy 4:3). I am dedicated to helping fuel the discussion by presenting material Biblical truths to help you add knowledge to gain understanding and discern truth from fiction as it pertains to God’s word. My desire is to address critical subjects and disarm areas of Biblical confusion in order that you can properly defend your Christian worldview.

...and the Story of What God is Doing in Zambia

In the heart of Africa there is a great work underway, it is a story of what God is doing in Zambia.  Twenty years ago their nation was ravaged by HIV, yellow fever, starvation and malnutrition. In the 1980s and 90s there were eight national droughts recorded, the most ever experienced in such a timeframe.  The mortality rate for Zambian children under the age of 5 reached 20% in 1996.  In that same year God inspired Sons of Thunder to purchase a 10,000 acre farm to begin a new work that was embodied in their mission statement, “Feeding Africa physically and spiritually through the enabling of the Holy Spirit.”  It was, and it is a bold statement.  The ministry began with the formation of a church, and then unfolded a ministry to train the Zambians  in agricultural techniques to grow their own food sources.  Hope began to replace despair, lives were changed, and today there are five vibrant ministries actively changing the landscape of Zambia.  The testimonies, the miracles, the healings that you will hear are amazing….it is the power and reality of our Lord Jesus Christ.  And yet there is still so much work, so many opportunities that are in the waiting.  It is time to write the next chapter……