Widows and Orphans: Near and Dear to God’s Heart

Here in the United States we rarely hear or use the term “widows and orphans.”   But, in sub-Saharan Africa virtually everyone has widows and orphans in their lives.   In Zambia alone it is estimated there are 1.4 million orphans living within a population of 16.5 million, or 8.5% of the total.

Widows, orphans and foreigners have long represented  a vulnerable demographic in both ancient and modern times.  After the death of their husbands, Zambian widows can often face the loss of property and children, especially those whose husbands died of AIDs or are themselves infected with HIV.  Those more fortunate are supported by extended family which is emphasized in Zambian culture.

Widows and orphans are vulnerable to abuse, sexual exploitation, poverty, malnutrition and disease.  We believe in so many ways that God’s heart begins with them.

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” (Psalm 68:5)  What we learn from the Bible is that God keeps a careful eye on the widow and is profoundly concerned for her.  He is also the great protector and loving Father of all children living as orphans.  God promises protection and help for those who cannot protect themselves, and He redeems injustice with his mighty love.  “He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the alien by giving him good and clothing.”  (Deuteronomy 10:18)

But God also calls us to engage and play a part.  The words of the Bible call God’s people to actively pursue the needs of widows and children living as orphans.  “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this:  to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27)

At Sons of Thunder, we are dedicated to uplifting this vulnerable group and meeting their needs in multiple ways and points of entry.

Since buying the 10,000 acre Farm in 1996 there have always been widows living on the land and Sons of Thunder has always cared for them.  As an example, Miss Patricia is a widow.  She is quite elderly now and unable to work a job but she has worked at various chores on the Farm throughout the years.   We provide her housing and food and a small monthly stipend as she cares for a number of grandchildren (orphans) who live with her.  These children go to church and the Sons of Thunder School and two of them are being financially sponsored for secondary education and training.

At the Sons of Thunder Medical Clinic and Jessica’s Hope Maternity Ward many babies and mothers are saved with prenatal care and good deliveries either at the clinic or in 24/7 house calls in the bush.  This is literally orphan prevention in practice.  If either the mother or father is HIV positive, we give them proper treatment and medication.  If the baby is positive, we start treatment immediately  and give infant formula where breast-feeding is insufficient.  Moreover, they are monitored and helped along the way until they are able to care for themselves.  We pray with them and share the gospel of Jesus Christ including the teaching of good morals, appropriate sexual behavior and proper family relationships.

Through both the Church and the Clinic’s medical outreach, Sons of Thunder regularly provides food and clothing  to those both on the farm and in nearby villages.   Often these are widows and orphans that are in greatest need.  The SOT Clinic also provides much needed medical and nutrition education to enhance their quality of life and bring about proper nutrition.

Through teaching Farming God’s Way, Sons of Thunder helps promote non-till agricultural techniques that have proven to be essential in the enhancement of crop production to combat local malnutrition.  We praise God for the benefits of this patented process that has helped reduce planting costs and increased quality yields.  In every way this is helping feed the widows and orphans of Africa “physically and spiritually.”

We invite you to join us in this work.  As you consider how God may be calling you to care for widows and children living as orphans be encouraged that God is faithful.   If you wish to contribute directly to this ministry you can designate your donations specifically to Widow and Orphan Care on the Sons of Thunder website or on the subject line of your mailed personal check.  We are grateful for your prayerful support.

“For the God who calls you is faithful, and He can be trusted to make it so.” (1st Thessalonians 5:24)



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