An Agricultural Technique is an Evangelism Tool?

“My people perish for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)

Part of Sons of Thunder Ministries’ mission statement is to “feed” Africa and that is a bold statement given the size of Africa.  But Farming God’s Way is a proven non-till agricultural process that has changed the lives of many thousands and is now the standard practice at the Sons of Thunder Farm in Zambia.

When Sons of Thunder first arrived in the late 1990s one of the first lessons learned was that American farming techniques do not work in southern Africa.  Today, Sons of Thunder actually helps fulfill the Great Commission through farming.

Discovered on a commercial farm in Zimbabwe in 1984, Farming God’s Way is a patented four-step farming plan developed and implemented by Brian Oldreive and is now headquartered in South Africa.  FGW not only reduces planting costs, but increases harvest yields, and the produce grown is of high standards.  Once implemented at Sons of Thunder, where there was once starvation, there is now excess yield that is able to be sold in local markets.

In the photo above you see the meticulous details of planting preparation at the Sons of Thunder Farm.  There is an old saying that “you cannot manage well, unless you measure well!”  Great care is given to maximizing crop yields within each farm plot and is part of FGW training.

So, what is this patented process all about and why is it called “Farming God’s Way?” And how is it used for evangelism?

The four basic principles are:

  1. Do Everything on time.

Given the angle of the sun in the southern hemisphere it is critical to plant within a narrow window of time.  Soil prep, planting and weeding are all cycles that must be observed.

  1. Set a high standard.

From a Biblical perspective, God enables us to take the land in a state of chaos and disorder and establish our dominion over the land, so that God’s glory is revealed through the work of our hands.  All work must be done with excellence unto the Lord in mind.

  1. Create minimal waste.

In His amazing wisdom, God designed the earth in such a manner that there are circles to all forms of life and which are interwoven with each other in a delicate balance and without waste. Slash and burn agriculture is practiced all over the world.  FGW teaches maximum productivity on smaller tracts of land without threatening indigenous forests,  or farmers living in harmony with God’s creation.

  1. Do everything with a joy and gladness of heart.

Our attitude towards our work is also a component of what we sow. If we sow begrudgingly, we will also reap begrudgingly. In contrast to this if we sow with joy, we will also reap with joy. God delights in our sowing with joy.

“Jesus answered him, ‘It is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.” (Luke 4:8) The people of Africa have enormous strongholds of witchcraft and ancestral worship.  Witchdoctors and shamans are found in almost every village and they are consulted for every event in life including agriculture.  There is only one true God and we come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, the first and foremost imperative lesson in Farming God’s Way is teaching the acknowledgement of God and God alone.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of life and Farming God’s Way.   Through his shed blood on the cross for our sins we now have eternal life.  As we are now adopted into God’s family we are no longer part of the world’s system and its traditions.  The Sons of Thunder Farm in Zambia is now one of FGW’s National Training Centers in southern Africa used to educate farmers from Zambia and other neighboring countries.  Therefore, it is an evangelical tool that is shared effectively at Sons of Thunder Farm with these training farmers with utmost joy.

Farming God’s Way is redemptive and its concepts taken directly from the Bible.  It was sin that brought a curse on the people and the land.  Jesus’ death on the cross broke that curse and we must pray and receive redemption through Jesus Christ.

We must rescue the lost land and through Farming God’s Way we use agricultural education as a means to share the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Is it effective?

Here is a graph showing a recent comparison of results for 69 trials reflecting the difference between Farming God’s Way against high-standard conventional farm plots conducted by Care of Creation Kenya (CCK) since 2012.

Planting has already begun in southern Africa.  Please pray that the Lord will continue to bless the Sons of Thunder Farm as we endeavor to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ even through the use of agricultural methods. Would you partner with us in this ministry?  Your prayerful financial support would be greatly appreciated.

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